In a couple of years they will look just like these photos (fingers crossed).
Eremophila laanii - Pink Emu Bush
3 x 3mt
For Pendlebury Hill - between the Pomegranate tree and the Judas Tree

photo: wikimedia
Grevillea Robusta - Silky Oak
30 x 20mt
LOVE, love, love these trees.
I'd have to say it's my all-time favourite tree.
And you know, I never really noticed them til we were on holidays in Forster 3 years ago - then they hit me right between the eyes..
I ordered two for street trees at Pendlebury Hill.

photo: Mallee Native Plants
Melaleuca wilsonii - Violet Honey Myrtle
2 x 2mt
For Pendlebury Hill - next to the Olive tree

photo: Wikimedia
Melaleuca linarifolia - Snow in Summer
8 x 5mt
I adore this plant - it is absolutely glorious in spring.
It's for Pendlebury Hill - Southern side - next to Cherry Grevillea

photo: Kate's Photo Diary
Eucalyptus forrestiana - Fuchsia Gum
6 x 4mt
Western side of house next to Scarlet Blaze wattle (it's on its last legs)

photo: Melburnian at Oz Native Plants
Acacia microbotrya - Manna Wattle
6 x 4mt
Eastern side of house next to Grevillea in the corner.

photo: TrekNature
Eremophila alternifolia - Native Honeysuckle
3 x 3mt
For the western side of the house on the northern side of the Little Spotty Gum

photo: Mallee Native Plants